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API Joomla 1.5.26
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 1.5
accessMenu | ( | $ | uid, |
$ | access, | ||
$ | section | ||
) |
changes the access level of a record
integer | The increment to reorder by |
Références $access, $db, $mainframe, $section, JRequest::checkToken(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), et jexit().
cancelCategory | ( | ) |
Cancels an edit operation
string | The name of the category section |
integer | A unique category id |
Références $db, $mainframe, JRequest::checkToken(), JRequest::get(), JRequest::getCmd(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), et jexit().
copyCategorySave | ( | $ | cid, |
$ | sectionOld | ||
) |
Save the item(s) to the menu selected
Références $cid, $content, $db, $id, $mainframe, JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), copyCategorySelect(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), JRequest::getInt(), JRequest::getVar(), jexit(), JError::raiseError(), JError::raiseWarning(), JText::sprintf(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
copyCategorySelect | ( | $ | option, |
$ | cid, | ||
$ | sectionOld | ||
) |
Form for copying item(s) to a specific menu
Références $cid, $db, $items, $mainframe, $option, $query, JHTML::_(), JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), categories_html::copyCategorySelect(), JRequest::getCmd(), JFactory::getDBO(), jexit(), JError::raiseError(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
Référencé par copyCategorySave().
editCategory | ( | $ | edit | ) |
Compiles information to add or edit a category
string | The name of the category section |
integer | The unique id of the category to edit (0 if new) |
string | The name of the current user |
Références $cid, $db, $edit, $i, $mainframe, $published, $query, $section, $type, $user, JHTML::_(), JText::_(), categories_html::edit(), JRequest::getCmd(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), JRequest::getInt(), JFactory::getUser(), JRequest::getVar(), JTable::isCheckedOut(), JText::sprintf(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
moveCategorySave | ( | $ | cid, |
$ | sectionOld | ||
) |
Save the item(s) to the menu selected
Références $cid, $db, $mainframe, $query, $title, $total, JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), JRequest::getCmd(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), jexit(), moveCategorySelect(), JError::raiseError(), JError::raiseWarning(), JText::sprintf(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
moveCategorySelect | ( | $ | option, |
$ | cid, | ||
$ | sectionOld | ||
) |
Form for moving item(s) to a specific menu
Références $cid, $db, $items, $mainframe, $option, $query, JHTML::_(), JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), JRequest::getCmd(), JFactory::getDBO(), jexit(), categories_html::moveCategorySelect(), JError::raiseError(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
Référencé par moveCategorySave().
orderCategory | ( | $ | uid, |
$ | inc | ||
) |
Moves the order of a record
integer | The increment to reorder by |
Références $db, $mainframe, $section, JRequest::checkToken(), JRequest::getCmd(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), et jexit().
publishCategories | ( | $ | section, |
$ | cid = null , |
$ | publish = 1 |
) |
Publishes or Unpublishes one or more categories
string | The name of the category section |
integer | A unique category id (passed from an edit form) |
array | An array of unique category id numbers |
integer | 0 if unpublishing, 1 if publishing |
string | The name of the current user |
Références $cid, $db, $mainframe, $query, $section, $user, JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), JFactory::getUser(), jexit(), JError::raiseError(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
removeCategories | ( | $ | section, |
$ | cid | ||
) |
Deletes one or more categories from the categories table
string | The name of the category section |
array | An array of unique category id numbers |
Références $cid, $db, $mainframe, $query, $rows, $section, JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), JFactory::getDBO(), jexit(), JError::raiseError(), JText::sprintf(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
saveCategory | ( | ) |
Saves the catefory after an edit form submit
string | The name of the category section |
Références $db, $mainframe, $menu, $query, $where, JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), JRequest::get(), JRequest::getCmd(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), JRequest::getString(), JRequest::getVar(), jexit(), et JError::raiseError().
saveOrder | ( | &$ | cid, |
$ | section | ||
) |
Références $cid, $db, $i, $mainframe, $section, $total, JText::_(), JRequest::checkToken(), JFactory::getDBO(), JTable::getInstance(), JRequest::getVar(), jexit(), JError::raiseError(), et JArrayHelper::toInteger().
switch (JRequest::getCmd('task')) showCategories | ( | $ | section, |
$ | option | ||
) |
Compiles a list of categories for a section
string | The name of the category section |
Références $count, $db, $i, $limit, $limitstart, $mainframe, $option, $pageNav, $query, $rows, $section, $total, $type, $where, JHTML::_(), JText::_(), JFactory::getDBO(), jimport(), categories_html::show(), JText::sprintf(), et JString::strtolower().
$cid = JRequest::getVar( 'cid', array(0), '', 'array' ) |
$section = JRequest::getCmd( 'section', 'com_content' ) |
Référencé par ContentViewArticle::_buildEditLists(), TOOLBAR_categories::_DEFAULT(), TOOLBAR_categories::_EDIT(), ContentModelCategory::_loadSiblings(), accessMenu(), JHTMLList::category(), mosAdminMenus::ComponentCategory(), copySectionSave(), copySectionSelect(), ContentViewSection::display(), editCategory(), ContentController::editContent(), JElementCategory::fetchElement(), JAdminSubMenu::get(), gacl_api::get_acl(), gacl_api::get_group_objects(), ContentModelElement::getList(), orderCategory(), SimplePie_Misc::parse_str(), plgSearchContacts(), plgSearchSections(), plgSearchWeblinks(), publishCategories(), removeCategories(), ContentController::save(), saveOrder(), mosAdminMenus::Section(), JController::setAccessControl(), categories_html::show(), showCategories(), et ContentController::viewContent().