API Joomla 1.5.26
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 1.5

Référence du fichier xmlrpcs.php




Documentation des fonctions

_xmlrpcs_errorHandler ( errcode,
filename = null,
lineno = null,
context = null 

Error handler used to track errors that occur during server-side execution of PHP code. This allows to report back to the client whether an internal error has occurred or not using an xmlrpc response object, instead of letting the client deal with the html junk that a PHP execution error on the server generally entails.

NB: in fact a user defined error handler can only handle WARNING, NOTICE and USER_* errors.

Références $filename, et $GLOBALS.

_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities ( server,
m = null 

Références $GLOBALS.

_xmlrpcs_listMethods ( server,
m = null 

Références $GLOBALS.

_xmlrpcs_methodHelp ( server,

Références $GLOBALS.

_xmlrpcs_methodSignature ( server,

Références $GLOBALS.

_xmlrpcs_multicall ( server,

Références $i, _xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call(), et _xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call_phpvals().

Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

_xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call ( server,

Références $GLOBALS, $i, $params, et _xmlrpcs_multicall_error().

Référencé par _xmlrpcs_multicall().

Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

_xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call_phpvals ( server,

Références _xmlrpcs_multicall_error(), et php_2_xmlrpc_type().

Référencé par _xmlrpcs_multicall().

Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

_xmlrpcs_multicall_error ( err)

Références $GLOBALS.

Référencé par _xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call(), et _xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call_phpvals().

Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

xmlrpc_debugmsg ( m)

Add a string to the debug info that can be later seralized by the server as part of the response message. Note that for best compatbility, the debug string should be encoded using the $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'] character set.


Références $GLOBALS.

Documentation des variables

$_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities_doc = 'This method lists all the capabilites that the XML-RPC server has: the (more or less standard) extensions to the xmlrpc spec that it adheres to'
$_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities_sdoc = array(array('list of capabilities, described as structs with a version number and url for the spec'))
$_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities_sig = array(array($GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']))
$_xmlrpcs_listMethods_doc = 'This method lists all the methods that the XML-RPC server knows how to dispatch'
$_xmlrpcs_listMethods_sdoc = array(array('list of method names'))
$_xmlrpcs_listMethods_sig = array(array($GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray']))
$_xmlrpcs_methodHelp_doc = 'Returns help text if defined for the method passed, otherwise returns an empty string'
$_xmlrpcs_methodHelp_sdoc = array(array('method description', 'name of the method to be described'))
$_xmlrpcs_methodHelp_sig = array(array($GLOBALS['xmlrpcString'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']))
$_xmlrpcs_methodSignature_doc = 'Returns an array of known signatures (an array of arrays) for the method name passed. If no signatures are known, returns a none-array (test for type != array to detect missing signature)'
$_xmlrpcs_methodSignature_sdoc = array(array('list of known signatures, each sig being an array of xmlrpc type names', 'name of method to be described'))
$_xmlrpcs_methodSignature_sig = array(array($GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']))
$_xmlrpcs_multicall_doc = 'Boxcar multiple RPC calls in one request. See http://www.xmlrpc.com/discuss/msgReader$1208 for details'
$_xmlrpcs_multicall_sdoc = array(array('list of response structs, where each struct has the usual members', 'list of calls, with each call being represented as a struct, with members "methodname" and "params"'))
$_xmlrpcs_multicall_sig = array(array($GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray']))
$GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_occurred_errors'] = ''
$GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_prev_ehandler'] = ''
Valeur initiale :
                'xmlrpc' => new xmlrpcval(array(
                        'specUrl' => new xmlrpcval('http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec', 'string'),
                        'specVersion' => new xmlrpcval(1, 'int')
                ), 'struct'),
                'system.multicall' => new xmlrpcval(array(
                        'specUrl' => new xmlrpcval('http://www.xmlrpc.com/discuss/msgReader$1208', 'string'),
                        'specVersion' => new xmlrpcval(1, 'int')
                ), 'struct'),
                'introspection' => new xmlrpcval(array(
                        'specUrl' => new xmlrpcval('http://phpxmlrpc.sourceforge.net/doc-2/ch10.html', 'string'),
                        'specVersion' => new xmlrpcval(2, 'int')
                ), 'struct')
Valeur initiale :
                'system.listMethods' => array(
                        'function' => '_xmlrpcs_listMethods',
                        'signature' => $_xmlrpcs_listMethods_sig,
                        'docstring' => $_xmlrpcs_listMethods_doc,
                        'signature_docs' => $_xmlrpcs_listMethods_sdoc),
                'system.methodHelp' => array(
                        'function' => '_xmlrpcs_methodHelp',
                        'signature' => $_xmlrpcs_methodHelp_sig,
                        'docstring' => $_xmlrpcs_methodHelp_doc,
                        'signature_docs' => $_xmlrpcs_methodHelp_sdoc),
                'system.methodSignature' => array(
                        'function' => '_xmlrpcs_methodSignature',
                        'signature' => $_xmlrpcs_methodSignature_sig,
                        'docstring' => $_xmlrpcs_methodSignature_doc,
                        'signature_docs' => $_xmlrpcs_methodSignature_sdoc),
                'system.multicall' => array(
                        'function' => '_xmlrpcs_multicall',
                        'signature' => $_xmlrpcs_multicall_sig,
                        'docstring' => $_xmlrpcs_multicall_doc,
                        'signature_docs' => $_xmlrpcs_multicall_sdoc),
                'system.getCapabilities' => array(
                        'function' => '_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities',
                        'signature' => $_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities_sig,
                        'docstring' => $_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities_doc,
                        'signature_docs' => $_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities_sdoc)
$GLOBALS['_xmlrpc_debuginfo'] = ''